Instantaneous Rate Of Change Calculator

Now, What Exactly Is A “Instantaneous Rate Of Change Calculator”?

A instantaneous rate of change calculator is a tool that helps you find the rate of change of a function at a certain point.

Free Instantaneous Rate of Change Calculator With Steps

This is a very simple tool for Instantaneous Rate of Change Calculator. Follow the given process to use this tool.

☛ Step 1: Enter the complete equation/value in the input box i.e. across “Provide Required Input Value:”

☛ Step 2: Click “Enter Solve Button for Final Output”.

☛ Step 3: After that a window will appear with final output.

Hope you found this Free Instantaneous Rate of Change Calculator useful. Do visit for more.

Formula for instantaneous rate of change

The instantaneous rate of change is the rate of change at a specific point in time. To calculate it, you need to find the derivative of the function at that point.

Instantaneous Rate Of Change Definition

The instantaneous rate of change is the rate at which a quantity changes with respect to time at a particular instant.

Example of instantaneous rate of change based on Formula

The instantaneous rate of change of a function at a point is given by the formula:

r(t) = (f(t + h) – f(t))/h

where t is the time at which the rate of change is being measured, h is a small number, and f(t) is the function being measured.

For example, if the function being measured is f(t) = t2 and the time at which the rate of change is being measured is t = 1, then the instantaneous rate of change is given by r(t) = (f(t + h) – f(t))/h = ((1 + h)2 – 1)/h = (1 + 2h + h2 – 1)/h = 2h + h2/h = 2 + h.

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